Should certain kinds of marketing ads be banned in the interest of health/morality/annoyance – alcohol, cigarettes, and prescription meds
argins set to 1-inch Top/Bottom and 1-inch Right/left; Double-spaced ; 12-point Arial or Times New Roman font; double-spaced
Title Page with paper title, author’s name, and institution (Texas A&M University-Commerce) centered horizontally and vertically, and edited Header with Running head: TITLE IN CAPS and page number right aligned
Headers with Title (in all CAPS) left aligned and page numbers right aligned
Introduction, Discussion, Conclusion in APA format (6th edition); must include in text citations: Minimum ½ page Introduction, minimum 5 page Discussion, and minimum ½ page Conclusion; double-spaced content
A complete reference in APA format (6th edition) for each article (no “proxy URLs are to be used): Hanging indent used for each reference
A minimum of five articles; One paragraph (minimum of five sentences) summarization for each article: Paragraphs needs to be double-spaced