Should adopted children have access to birth records
1) Should adopted children have access to birth records?
2) Should juvenile offenders who commit violent or heinous crimes be tried as adults?
3) Should domestic violence against men receive the same attention as domestic violence against women?
4) Should libraries and other public institutions be able to regulate Internet access?
5) Should physicians be legally permitted to assist in a person’s suicide when a terminal diagnosis has been made?
6) Should prior sex offenders have the right to live wherever they wish?
7) Should schools adopt a zero tolerance policy regarding bullying incidents?
8) Should the United States provide healthcare for all citizens who cannot afford it?
9) Should animals be protected by the same laws that protect humans?
10) Should the use of torture by a government for acquiring information be allowed?
11) Should beauty pageants for underage girls be discontinued because they are exploitive?
12) Should owners of a company or corporation have the legal right to release an employee who has a health risk under a controllable condition (i.e. smoking, obesity)
• Read and carefully follow all of the guidelines for ‘Documenting Sources’ presented in “Chapter 12: The Research Guide” pages 395-428. Use only MLA style (2009), NOT APA style. Pages 395-410 deal directly with integrating sources into your paper; the remaining pages will cover proper documentation.
• You will need to incorporate six toeight outside sources into the essay. These will form your points of evidence and will appear in the form of in-text citations (use paraphrase and/or direct quotations). No more than two block quotes can be used for the research paper. Please reference the following resource for help with block quotes:
• You will include a works cited page that lists the outside sources. This constitutes the last page of your paper and is numbered. However, it is NOT considered part of the length requirement.
• Follow these style specifics:
o Write in third person only (one, a person, an individual, he, she, him, her, he, they, their, them, etc.)
o Refrain from the use of contractions (spell out)
o Follow all MLA guidelines—see Inventing Arguments
• Using some (but not all) online resources is acceptable. However, Internet resources need to be from .edu. .org, or .gov sites only. Do not use .com sources or information from Wikipedia. Consult the instructor for .com sites before attempting to use.
• Late papers will NOT be accepted
• You must submit your paper to SafeAssign; I will not grade it otherwise.
The Process:
o Select a topic from those provided above that you will enjoy researching and writing about.
o Read and explore this topic carefully—what are the positions already expressed about this issue?
o Select aspecific position that you will assert in your claim. This will be a working claim that can evolve with your research and growing understanding of your topic.
o Begin prewriting activities (i.e., brainstorming to find out everything you already know about this topic, asking questions, further researching this topic)
Research extensively: include citations or paraphrases from the sources in your essay.Vary your resources. Do not depend solely on Internet resources—points will be deducted for not using other resources, such asbooks, newspapers, journals, and magazines.
• Present at least three reasons to show the logic of your position. Develop each reason thoroughly.
• Include a counterargument that acknowledges the merits of the opposing viewpoint
• Don’t forget the Works Cited—this is part of the document and should appear as the last page of the paper. Document the six to eight outside sources and place in alphabetical order and follow all other MLA rules for the entries.
• There will be no rewrites. Therefore, please see me immediately if you are having trouble with this assignment.