This shows that the living conditions of the serfs did not change even after emancipation. Instead, they continued under bondage. Further, revolutionary ideas grew in the minds of the intelligentsia as a result of the creation of a scheme to employ the middle class, the Zemstvo, in the place of the authority of the landlords.
The pressure that the Tsar encountered from many corners also made him take the decision to emancipate the serfs. This raises the question of the after-effects of emancipation. Some historians argue that, the fact that emancipation was carried out in an attempt to ease pressure made it fail to achieve a good life for the serfs. Moral argument, for example, placed a lot of pressure to the Tsar to emancipate the serfs. Many of the Russian reformers, as well as, the Tsars had observed that serfdom was shameful to their country, and they campaigned for emancipation (A2 History Unit 4, p. 69). The second source of pressure was the military aspect. The defeat of the Russian army in the Crimean war particularly raised alarm that the serfs had to be freed for military reforms to be effective.
After emancipation, the serfs did not benefit in the short-term because of the land problem. The terms of the Ukase concerning the compensation of the serfs in the matter of land remained only in writing. It was not implemented as recommended. In theory, the land owners were to compensate the serfs with as much land as they had tilled (A2 History Unit 4, p. 70). However, this never happened. The nobles frustrated the efforts of emancipation so that they were left owning the large tracts of land that they owned before. Since the Tsar did not want confrontation with the nobles in fear of assassination, he did not intervene in a way that would see the nobles disgruntled. In essence, the whole process of emancipation was carried out very carefully. As a response to assist the serfs to buy land, the government issued loans to them. The loans were to be paid in a prolonged period of forty-nine years (A2 History Unit 4, p. 70). This meant a life-long burden for the serfs, showing that the serfs did not enjoy the fruits of emancipation in the short-term.
The government spending following emancipation was disadvantaging for the serfs and very beneficial to the nobles. For example, the government would compensate the land owners for any land they gave to the serfs (A2 History Unit 4, p. 70). Additionally, the government compensated the land owners for the lost labour due to emancipation. To the disadvantage of the ex-serfs, they were to pay this redemption money back to the government. This meant that, even though they were released from the bondage of captivity, they lived under the bondage of poverty (A2 History Unit 4, p. 70). A close survey of the process of emancipation shows that the serfs were buying freedom and land. According to A2 History (Unit 4, p. 70), the serfs were supposed to work for two years after the emancipation. This shows that, even though they were released as per the law, they still continued to be enslaved.
The announcement of the emancipation of the serfs did not go well with the some section of the population. A2 History (Unit 4, p. 71)
Even though the serfs had no other option but to buy the land, the prices were hiked (A2 History Unit 4, p. 71). This was especially witnessed in the Northern provinces. In this province, the serfs paid money to the tune of 134% of the market price. Additionally, the government restricted the freedom of the peasants through the mirs. Therefore, the ex-serfs did not enjoy any freedom even after emancipation.
The redistribution of land through the strip system under the mirs was very tormenting to the ex-serfs. Enterprising peasants were not motivated. In addition, innovations and experiments were not allowed (A2 History Unit 4, p. 71). Further, the rights to pasture and woodland were denied to the peasants. This meant that the peasants would not access grazing land, as well as, fuel. This was a very big predicament to them.
Russian industry was also very much affected by emancipation. Even after emancipation, the attitude remained in the factories that workers were to be treated like serfs. The salaries remained highly regulated, and the industry staffs were still unfairly treated by their bosses. The population increased tremendously in the towns worsening the living conditions for the people. Thus, while emancipation was supposed to bring economic development and peace in Russia, this was not achieved. Instead, revolutionalism and radicalism were the order of the day. This culminated with the assassination of the Tsar in the year 1881. The attitude of the serfs remained hostile towards the state, worsening Tsar’s governance after emancipation.
In the countryside, for example, the expected results of emancipation of the serfs were not realized. Agriculture seemed to remain the same (A2 History Unit 4, p. 72). Engelgardt, as quoted in A2 History (Unit 4) observes that “everything carries on as it was before emancipation”. The emphasis here is that the emancipation of the serfs did not bring the impact it was supposed to bring to them. After emancipation, the plough land and cultivation was carried out in a small scale than before. The peasant’s living conditions declined, and they experienced very high taxations that hardened their life further. The radicalism and revolutionalism are associated with the high taxation imposed among the peasants. It is observed that the period after emancipation was characterized with many radical organizations. The attempts of the Russian authorities to subdue revolutionary radicalism through suppression did not succeed. The legal system was also very much affected after emancipation. The state saw citizens as enemies. Young people were seen as suspects. People’s houses would be raided in an attempt to look for suspects. The emancipation that was meant to promote positive living for the people resulted to fear and miserable living.
In conclusion, emancipation had very significant effects in Russia. The many anticipated effects of liberation were not realized. Instead, emancipation ignited the spirit of radicalism and revolutionalism amongst the intelligentsia. The development of revolution even led to assassination of the Tsar Alexander II twenty years later, and the Russian revolution of 1917. The serfs were not liberated as per the aims of emancipation. Instead, majority of them were landless and lived miserable lives. Taxation was introduced;
A2 History Unit 4. Coursework: Tsarist Russia, 1762-1881. An age of reform? Teaching Module, A2 History Coursework.