Short Paper Assignment Academic Essay

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Short Paper Assignment Academic Essay

Write a short paper (4pages) about ONE of the following important people in finance. Be sure to discuss their contribution to finance, or in the case of the more infamous ones, the issues that caused them to run afoul of the law. Include references.

Andrew Mellon

Warren Spector

Peter Lynch

Fischer Black

John Bogle

Edward Francis Hutton

George Soros

Henry Goldman

Robert Lehman

Carl Icahn

Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr.

Charles Schwab

Michael Milken

Jay Gould

Elliot Spitzer

Warren Buffet

Ivan Boesky

Nick Leeson

Jordan Belfort

Barry Minkow

Martha Stewart

Jerome Kerviel

Marilyn Star

Richard Fuld, Jr.

Allen Stanford

Bernard Ebbers

Raj Rajaratman

Jeff Skilling

Bernard Madoff

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Posted on May 17, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions