Book needs to read:
1: Shen, Fu. Six Records of a Life Adrift. Hackett Publishing Co., 2011.
2: Henrietta Harrison. The Man Awakened From Dreams. Stanford University Press, 2005.
The paper assignment will be a critical review of Shen Fu’s Six Records of a Life Adrift and Harrison’s The Man Awakened from Dreams (1,000-1,200 words, roughly 4-5 pages). Your essay should consider the following questions: What did Shen Fu and Liu Dapeng share in common in their understandings of a good or successful life? What role do family relations play in their views of life?
Grading Standard for Essays
Your papers will be graded on their quality of analysis as well as their content and form. The papers should contain original and well-argued points, and demonstrate thoughtful consideration of all relevant readings. They should be well-organized, clearly written, and grammatical. Please refer to the detailed standard below.
4.0-3.9 Exceptional ideas and presentation. Original argument.