In habit seven, ‘sharpening the saw’, Covey (2004) introduces the concept of caring for oneself. He presents this in four aspects of caring for the body, the heart, the soul and the brain. In this chapter, I have learnt that balancing is important in one’s life and that a person should preserve time for resting. The point that Covey (2004) emphasizes is that I must keep my personal self sharp. This is because allowing stress is dangerous and can eat one up.
In sharpening the body, I have learnt that I am supposed to exercise, sleep well, eat healthily and also to relax. In relation to eating, Covey emphasizes that I should eat a balanced diet. About sleeping, the lesson is that one should sleep just enough, rather than sleeping excessively. I have also appreciated the importance of exercising, in order to keep the body stable. Covey also encourages enriching the mind through education. I have learnt that I am supposed to invest highly in education and that I should not allow the lack of money in young age be a reason to fail to excel in education. I have appreciated the fact that investing in education is very important for the future.
Through this, I have appreciated the need to strengthen ties with people, and to always aim at making people feel good. Additionally, I appreciate the need to care for the soul. Soberness and joy in life come through feeding the soul. I have learnt that prayers, reading inspirational books, serving others and thinking independently are recipes for feeding the soul. I plan to adhere to them strictly, to enhance my dream of living as an effective person.
Covey, S. (2004). The 7 habits of highly effective people: Powerful lessons in personal change. Florence, MA: Free Press.