Session Preparation Assignment (SPA) #3 WE HAVE GOT TO MAKE SOME DECISIONS
Read Chapter 8, Study Guide („We Have Got to Make Some Decisions?).
Have you got the idea of how to do your SPAs now? The key is to focus on your own reactions and responses to the reading. Do not just give your marker what you think they might want to hear. We do not want anything; we want to hear what you think about the concepts in the reading, and why.
This is so interesting to us. You can bring your own perspectives and reactions. And as we read your SPA we can learn from you; and find out what you think, and why.
While you are reading this chapter, note on your laptop, or on a piece of paper or on your copy of Chapter 8, key concepts that occur to you. That?s right; just write them down as you go along. Also, include any questions that occur to you as you are reading. What do you find confusing, difficult to understand or believe, boring, exciting or surprising? Then include a summary of your key concepts and questions (KCQs) in your SPA#3.
Make sure you use the words “I” and “me” a lot in your SPA#3. Different people will have different reactions to the readings. Tell me what your reactions actually are. This is what I am interested in. Do not tell me what you think I might want to hear. Be genuine and honest in your reactions to the readings. Give me something of yourself in your SPA#3.