Culture and Social Media
March 26, 2020
Chinese Communism
March 26, 2020

service marketing

service marketing

Services Visits and Analyzes Assignment
(three post total worth a maximum of 50 points each)
The  objective  of  this  assignment  is  to  build  upon  the
content  of  the  textbook  by  comparing  and  contrasting
two  local  service  providers .    This  assignment  will
require  you  to  evaluate,  analyze,  and  then  compare,
and  contrast  a  service-based  business,  based  on  the
topics and schedule listed below. This will  be posted to
You  are   required   to  evaluate,  analysis  and  then
compare and contrast the following issues:
What service was done well by each of the service provider? Elaborate and point out
several specific examples.
For  each  service provider,  what aspects  of  this  services had a  positive influence on
your  perceptions  of  the  overall  service experience?  and  similarly,  what  aspects  of
this service  experience had a  negative influence on  your  perceptions of  the  overall
service experience? explain your answer in detail
Which  of  the following characteristics (color,  lighting, shapes,  sound,  smell) in  each
of the service providers physical evidence influenced your customer experience?
What other aspects of the physical evidence were present?
How did each providers use their  physical evidence as a  differentiator? To enhance
the customer’s experience? To facilitate service delivery?
What  recommendations  would  you  make  to  improve  the  customer  service
experience?  Please provide one for each service provider.
Services Marketing
Services Visits and Analyzes Blog Posts
BUS 111
Select One
FastFood Restaurant
(Non-Drive Through)
Automobile service
(i.e. oil change service)