strategic management report for Murrill Construction
June 17, 2020
Creative Research
June 17, 2020

SEM #2

Topic: SEM #2

Order Description
Based on the data provided: answer the following questions

what you read about reporting SEM results, please write a report describing the results in an academic fashion. The reporting should meet common guidelines which we covered in module 2, and follow the structure of reported results provided in a research paper you identify.

What is the research paper you follow as an example for reporting your results (use Web of Science or ProQuest to find one in a top journal)?
Report the results following the format in this paper
Discuss – does this report provide enough information or all the needed information for assessing all aspects of the model?
Please organize your paper in a scholarly way. Add section titles when necessary. Explain your logic and when appropriate, use external sources and use proper citations.