Self-Defeating Behaviours, their Origin, Causes and Maintenance

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Self-Defeating Behaviours, their Origin, Causes and Maintenance

There exist various accounts that try to show the various instances of self-defeating scenarios. These scenarios try to depict the cases of self -handicappers, fear of success and other cases of self-defeating behaviours. The case of the individual who secured a prestigious job position in a company and he immediately began a relationship with the company’s relationship is a clear depiction of how people engage in self-defeat after a triumph. The guy later lost his job as a result of his intimacy with the receptionist. Another case of self-defeating behaviour is in the chess competition where the chess champion failed to play unless his opponent accepted pawn and move depicts a case of fear of success. Additionally, the case of a child who is always praised before he performs can prompt him to adopt a handicap that will keep him from the performance in order to overcome failure. These self-defeating in threat antics have their origin from both the behavioural and the cognitive fields.

Similarities and Differences

Strengths and Weaknesses of the Two Treatments and Social Implications

There exist some social implications of the self-defeating behaviours. For instance, people who engage in self-defeating behaviours such as the fear of success are looked down upon by their colleagues and seen as disgrace. The society does not relate these behaviours to either cognitive or behavioural disorders but rather as aspects of ignorance. This causes some divisions in the society and hence disunity. The occurrence of such cases in the society has prompted the development of sound medical services to cater for such victims.