Select two speeches from Shakespeare’s play “HAMLET” compare the differences in the Character’s point of view, Vocabulary, Poetry and Situatio

Do Computers Have Negative Effects on Family and/or Social Relationships?
March 11, 2020
Download this quiz. Answer the questions and e-mail it back to [email protected] by Saturday midnight of the FIFTEENTH WEEK OF CLASSES. (DEC 13.)
March 11, 2020

Select two speeches from Shakespeare’s play “HAMLET” compare the differences in the Character’s point of view, Vocabulary, Poetry and Situatio

This is on Shakespeare’s play “HAMLET”. Select two speeches from “Hamlet” one from acts one or two and the other from acts three through four. The speeches must belong to the same character–that character does not have to be Prince Hamlet. Write an essay essay in which you compare the differences in the character’s point of view, vocabulary, poetry, situation, etc. Draw conclusions based on the events of the play that account for the differences you describe. Please quote in the appropriate format and italicize the title of the play.