Security/Terrorism Literature Review

Job Analysis;Descriptions and Specifications (CASE) Module 2
May 21, 2020
May 21, 2020

Security/Terrorism Literature Review


Topic: Current Security/Terrorism Literature Review Do you agree or disagree with the following? why or why not?   Schbley, A. H. (2006). Toward a Common Profile of Religious Terrorism: Some Psychosocial Determinants of Christian and Islamic Terrorists. Police Practice and Research, 275-292.


1. Introduction:  Most religious terrorists can be described as committed, fundamentalists; they see themselves as the true believers of their religion and serve as martyrs for their cause. The religious mandate for destruction is regarded as the neglected duty within the religion, and implied, directly or indirectly, in the sacred texts, or at least in their interpretation of those sacred texts. Religious terrorists also do not consider themselves terrorists since they say they do not enjoy violence or take pleasure in it. They regard themselves as religious activists or militants fulfilling a specific call or cause. Because the terrorist attacks of 9/11 most Americans associate religious terrorism with just Islam and have the notion that no other religion in capable of terrorism. However, in Schbley?s work she compares the psychosocial commonalities between Christian and Muslim terrorists  .Body:  The author examined the connections between factors leading terrorists to kill others and themselves in the name of deities across multiple case studies. Throughout the study, the author explores the psychosocial commonalities between Christian and Muslim terrorists with strong ethno-religious identities and offers a step towards developing a common profile of this type of terrorist. Schbley?s work showed that there are no differences between these Islamic terrorists and Christian terrorists. The researcher explored the psychological dynamics, personal characteristics, and behavioral patterns of Islamist terrorists through the use of: 1) nomothetic and idiographic approaches, 2) direct observation, interviews of victims of terrorism and terrorists, 3) quantitative psychometrics, 4) psychiatric nosology and direct engagement, and 5) case and document studies. Schbley?s results conclude that toxic religious ideologies, such as Islamic Jihad, may attract individuals with certain psychosocial pathologies and/or suicidal tendencies and justify their self-immolation. Compared to other works related to religious terrorism, the author explores religious terrorism as whole and not just concentrated on Islamic terrorism such as Amritha Venkatraman?s work in Religious Basis for Islamic Terrorism: The Koran and Its Interpretations in the journal Studies in Conflict & Terrorism.  Conclusion:  The role religion plays in terrorism is significant in providing the terrorist a means of justifying their acts of terror towards others. Religion is being used in contemporary terrorism as well as in Islam terrorism simply as a means as communication and recruitment. The above work shows that there is no difference between the Islamic and Christian terrorist when their psychological dynamics, personal characteristics, and behavioral patterns are compared. Schbley?s work provides vital insight into developing a common profile for a religious terrorist, which could be helpful to counter-terrorist forces in appropriately being able to identify this type of terrorist regardless their actual religion.   2. Evgeny Morozov, (2009). Cyber-Scare The exaggerated fears over digital warfare. Boston Review

Introduction:   The exaggerated fears over digital warfare nonetheless the author uses his knowledge in the field of global politics to have power over terror on the facade of cyber warfare. Whereas, Cyber warfare definitely raising issues of growing national interest and concern. Despite the fact President Barack Obama at this time striving hard for cyber security legislation furthermore has made it one of his top priorities for 2012.   Body:   Due to reading some articles I interpret that the article were touching base on the threat to United States security by way of the capabilities of terrorists discomforting or shutting down serious information infrastructures in which it was absolutely essential to glance at different article with the purpose of taking supplementary critical attitude due to the threat within the War on Terror Morozov it was mention under certain circumstances that one of the article was less balanced with information, despite the fact in April 2009 in the Wall Street Journal , allowed Electricity Grid in United States Penetrated By Spies. Moreover at hand no evidence has been give to back the Wall Street Journal article dispute as well as there is a great deal to be anxious about on the topic of what has been spreading around about the serious issue of cyber terrorism from the media as well as journalists , however policy analysts, as well as government reporters . Without a doubt it is very important that they should take a better view that may not support the claims that already been mention. In the article Morozov have references to the claim and shows great respect leading to the title of this segment furthermore all the way through digital warfare, cyber warfare, cyber terrorism and it doesn’t matter what caption is used the bottom line is it remains overstated as well as unproven aspect of the War on Terror.   Conclusion:

In conclusion I recommend this article because it really give some great information on Cyber warfare and it can be refer to diverse aspects of protecting and aggressive information as well as computer networks surrounded by cyberspace, as well as denying an opposesexpertise to do the same. There are some major dilemma encountered by way of cyber attacks, in scrupulous issues, whereas the insignificance in locating the source and nature of the attack along with assessing the harm incurred. Even though the United States government is putting effort to join together accountability in support of this issue and draw center of attention more on cyber warfare matters, despite the fact it not yet known how successful the attempt will be.

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