Mkt501 Mod4 CS Repsonse
May 7, 2020
value of SX + 1
May 7, 2020

scorpions- wind of change

scorpions- wind of change

conducting a full rhetorical analysis of the song, its message, and its author.. This essay can be best tackled by responding to three questions:

scorpions- wind of change

Part I:
What primary message is conveyed by the song lyrics? Be sure to think carefully about the author’s topic and stance.

Part II:
How does the visual representation support or undermine the message the lyrics convey? For this section, you’ll likely need to spend some time describing the visual.

Part III:
What audience or audiences is the artist attempting to reach with this message, and what is his/her/their purpose in doing so? You might want to think about the genre the artist is using