scientific article Analysis.

Comparing litreture times
June 1, 2020
Communication Overload
June 1, 2020

scientific article Analysis.

scientific article Analysis.
all calculations draw Test and curve of distribution for the 2 group results

-Strong evidence of critical reasoning throughout

-Data should be discussed in terms of hypothesis/hypotheses

-conform to language use conventions of a scientific article This should give you 2 populations of samples, a group of samples that has a high concentration of protein in the urine, and a group of samples that has a low concentration of protein in the urine. For each group or population calculate the mean +/- SD a compare the two populations using a t-test to see ifthey are significantly different (significance level P<0.05). Must include all the calculation and draw the curve of distribution for the 2 group of results. Must discuss and compare the 2 group result and which group ielderly people and why they have protein present in urine (related to kidney function) and explain why kidney functions decrease with ageing.