Saving the Environment and the Bottom Line
Project description
Saving the Environment and the Bottom Line
In recent years most businesses have been striving to minimize their environmental footprint driven by increased cost and environmental concern. The lodging industry has been no exception to this increase in guest demands. In a response to this consumers and regulatory entities are demanding that hotel operators make an effort to minimize the environmental impact of their lodging operation. Doing so correctly will have a positive ecological, environmental and financial consequence. This includes reducing the use of water, maximizing the efficiency of your electrical use and a reduction in heat/cooling cost as well as minimizing the waste generated by the operation.
You are the property operations manager of the Xavier Hotel. The GM has called you in to her office and shared with you the new direction of the company and the need for the hotel to engage in more sustainable practices. The GM tells you that you need to perform an efficiency audit and make recommendations to meet the new environmental standard set by the corporate office.
So to do well on the GM’s new assignment you should include a reasonable dollar value associated with all proposed upgrades for cost savings.
NOTE: The best thing to do when you are given an assignment is to follow the format and answer the questions or tasks you are given with the headers i.e. 1. a. & b.
(As an example of proposed savings: If you save 12 gallons per person per day with your improvements and your operation has 375 rooms and is occupied 67% of the time with 1.4 people per occupied room, how much is your annual saving in gallons and dollars?
The cost of potable water is $5.72per 1000 gallon in Providence.)