Essay for Early American Literature
June 23, 2020
Not All Companies Are Viewed as Equal (Business Ethics)
June 23, 2020

Sampling Strategy

Sampling Strategy

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Consider the quantitative research plan you are developing for your Final Project and your research questions, hypotheses, variables, and analysis. What kind of power would be necessary for your research problem to be able to tell you what you would like to learn? What is the estimated sample size? What kind of sampling strategy would you recommend for your plan? What is your rationale for this choice? Below are informations needed to answer the questions

My Quantitative Research is on ?Coping skills of parents with autistic children?.

My Purpose statement
With a quantitative approach, the proposed study will seek to examine and explore the specific coping skills for parents with autistic children. In particular, the study will examine the application of different skills by parents, considering the differences that appear due to the parent?s gender, age, education, social and economic backgrounds. The research will attempt to examine the diversity or similarly of applications of specific coping skills by mothers and fathers, young and older parents, educated and non-educated parents and parents from poor and well-up backgrounds. The research will attempt to show the effectiveness of these strategies in developing effective coping skills in families with autistic children. It will also suggest how these skills can be applied across various family settings and cultures to ensure that the affected families develop the right coping strategies and avoid the common coping problems and stresses that affected the involved families.

My research questions are
i. Autism is a condition that is often hereditary; and in most instances parents feel guilty or responsible for what their children go through. Are there any strategies that can you have put in place to eliminate any sense of guilt within the community? Please list sample strategies
ii. In parenting a child with autism, there are challenges such as failure to understand the child?s conditions. These children have poor communications skills and find it challenging to interact with their peers. What are some of the initiatives that can be taken to match the children to their environment and to make them feel part of the society?
iii. Autism is a condition that can be controlled at early stages. What are some of the medical, psychological or dietetic steps that you take to save the younger children before the condition becomes more pronounced?
iv. As a parent with a child/ children suffering from autism, what are some recommendations you have for similar parents in coping with the situation?