Crime Analysis Reports Importance of ReportsThe following article outlines several options for providing the best security to any organization. But you will notice that this article focuses on using reports to analyze past crime in order to prevent future crime. By knowing what happened in the past we can identify problems before they occur, block vulnerabilities through enhanced security, and reduce the consequences if an incident occurs. Please look over the article attached (its long so you dont need to read the entire piece), but glance over it and find what you consider most important for collecting crime data in order to prevent future problems. This is one of the best reasons for taking meticulous notes, writing accurate and detailed reports, and then compiling the data in order to develop a workable security plan and it all starts with good reports.What do you consider most important for collecting crime data in order to prevent future problems? Why?Please use this link: Set #2: A few simple steps to good report writing
250-wordsThe following article provides some good basic tips on how to write an effective, concise, and credible report. Please tell us what you found most interesting or useful in this article. Can you use some of these tips? Why or why not?link: