conducting research
May 22, 2020
Unilever Financial analysis
May 22, 2020

Romantic art

Romantic art

.Define (in general terms) romantic art. Using examples from the internet, show differences between neo-classical art and romantic art.

.Select examples of romantic art that portray each of the following; nationalism, the romantic past, the beauty or majesty of nature, the turbulence of nature, and political or social conflict.

.Select examples of romantic art that is typically; British, French, German and Southern European.

.Describe the primary differences between the baroque, classical and romantic movements in terms of thematic structure, instrumentation, length of compositions and other general differences between the three types of music.

.Write (brief) biographies of four romantic composers€”high-lighting what made each of the composers you selected significant (unique).

.Describe (using specific examples) how Romantic literature was different from earlier genres.

.Describe the principle differences in the Romantic literature of Britain, Germany and France; include examples of writers from each nation.