Robert M. Sapoisky and Fred E. Jandt’s books review

#84 Critical Reading & Evaluation
October 25, 2020
The Role of Homework
October 25, 2020

Robert M. Sapoisky and Fred E. Jandt’s books review

The books that the essay should be writing from are “INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION” and ” A PRIMATE’S MEMOIR”

Say what the book is about and why it is required for this class. Describe why the book was written, and for whom. Say what your thesis is. You thesis should say why/how Sapolsky is about “crossing cultural boundaries, “(or a similar thesis).
The Intor 1-2 paragraphs. i.e. less than one page.

Pick three examples from the book which illustrate your thesis. This should take three paragraphs.

Tell the reader what you told them. Do not too short! This will one long paragraphs, or more likely two full