Discussion – Week 5 Analyzing Tests and Scales??
June 22, 2020
Health care System Linkages and Alliances
June 22, 2020

Rising Sea Levels

Rising Sea Levels
Order Description
SPU 25 Energy and Climate:
Final Paper Guidelines
• €Topics. Students will generate their own topics that are related to energy and climate, particularly related to how energy and climate are related and how they may change in the future. Students may bring their own expertise (e.g. technology, sociology, economics, politics) into their paper, as long it is related to the material in this course. ?
• €Length. Papers will be about 10 pages, double spaced (standard font size and margins), not including figures. Papers should include an abstract, body, summary, conclusion, and references, though the specific sections may vary with the paper. ?
• €Writing. Papers should be well-written, thoroughly edited, and free of spelling and grammar mistakes. ?
• €Type of Papers. Papers may be literature-based (summarizing, synthesizing, and discussing several ?sources and/or viewpoints on a particular topic) or investigation-based (asking and addressing a question that may require acquiring data; e.g. what is the energy consumption of Harvard University, what is the solar potential of the campus, etc.) ?

• €Sources. All sources must be appropriately cited. Plagiarism of any kind will not be tolerated and may result in a failing grade. ?

My Topic: Issues of rising sea level and how it can be prevented

Preparing your paper
Descriptions of example papers (don’t feel limited to these formats)?Example Literature-based paper: The Future of Nuclear Energy in the Northeast of the US
Collect scholarly articles on how nuclear power works and advantages and disadvantages to nuclear power. More popular news articles may include surveys about public perceptions of nuclear power. Other sources may include listings and descriptions of nuclear power plants in the region or recent legal proceedings related to the future of power plants. Based on the evidences you find, determine what you think should be the future of nuclear power in the Northeast. State this thesis at the beginning of your paper and logically defend it using your sources. Provide diverging viewpoints and explain any biases. Towards the end of the paper, summarize your main points. Conclude with a succinct restatement of your thesis.
Example Research-based paper: Reducing the carbon footprint of college undergraduates
Collect historical data on numbers of students and sustainability efforts of the university. Collect scholarly information on the impact of carbon emissions to provide motivation for your study. Determine how to collect data or conduct surveys of undergraduates to determine how they use energy (transportation, computer and TV use, travel, food sources, apartment utilities, etc.). Your thesis statement will be a description of the current carbon footprint and a recommendation for the most significant way to reduce this impact. Your supporting evidence will include background material (motivations), surveys and data, proposed changes, and calculations about the effects of your proposed changes. Elaborate on any challenges to be overcome with your proposal. Towards the end of the paper, summarize your main points. Conclude with a succinct restatement of your thesis.