want you please to write an 850 words Rhetorical analysis from the king essay pages (220 – 237) from this book ” The Seagull Reader: Essays, 3rd ed. Ed. Joseph Kelly. New York: Norton, 2016. Print. ” please let me know if you did not understand. By the way, please make it simple and good because I’m international studint. the instruction of this paper is uplouded
Procedure for the Analysis Essay
The purpose of the analysis essay is to learn HOW an essay is put together by reading an example
essay and writing about it. We as instructors could certainly give you templates that you could
use to write the same-looking essay over and over again, but wouldn’t it be better to learn
specific, useful tactics of form as you discover them so that you have multiple methods to choose
from? Unlike a summary, you will be writing about the words on the page and the techniques the
author uses to form the text and to therefore form reader understanding. Unlike a thesis essay in
which you develop an idea using reason, examples, and evidence from essays you’ve read, this
essay’s purpose is to show your reader HOW the writer of the essay made his or her point.
Read the text
Read the text and annotate
ask questions, look-up words, make connections to other parts of the text, etc.
Write an outline if you find it useful to organize the author’s points
(without looking at the text) Write a summary of the most important points
Choose one of the points the author makes well (or poorly), specifically one point that is
discussed enough for you to write three pages about, and write briefly about HOW the author is
either effective or ineffective in making that point, using evidence from the text
You may point to the author’s use of quotes, use of anecdotes, use of reasoning, use of argument,
use of evidence, type of language, organization of points, and many other features, but the key is
that you are writing about HOW the points are made, not WHAT the points are (that’s summary).
You are also not writing an essay that develops your point of view on the material in the original
essay (that is a thesis essay)
Draft an essay with an introduction that briefly describes the essay you are analyzing and
advances your controlling idea (thesis), body paragraphs that point to areas in the essay that
defend your point-of-view about the author’s success or failure with the element you have chosen
to concentrate on, and a conclusion that results from your thinking about the effectiveness or
ineffectiveness of the original
Edit for sentence clarity, transition between elements, and overall coherence, and remove
editorial commentary (which is merely scaffolding for your personal understanding)
Peer review the essay (both in and out of class) or tutor review it (or both) to help you see
problems that are often difficult to see on your own
Polish spelling, punctuation, verb tense (present tense for an analysis), formality (avoid first and
second person (e.g. I think that, You can see) in favor of writing about the topic you’ve chosen),
etc. Then turn in the typed, double-spaced, stapled paper