Reviewing and Improving Small Business Performance.

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Reviewing and Improving Small Business Performance.

An analysis of any business organization is very important in ensuring the growth of a business organization. In the analysis, the business can pick the strengths and build on them and at the same time, it can identify the weaknesses and rectify where possible (Thibault, Wilcock, & Kanetkar, 2002). In this case, the Zenith Health Care Limited is analyzed using the SWOT analysis technique. This company has strengths, which should be upheld. Sales of this company have been increasing during its time of existence. Furthermore, the company has the staff that is competent that can enable it delivers quality products in the field of healthcare. In addition, the experience of the workers as well as the owner of the company is what the company can capitalize on.

Despite the strengths, the company has weaknesses that it should work on. The company lacks a well-structured plan, something that makes it lack a good stand in conducting its businesses successfully. A plan is vital to any company’s success in business and can help in the routine evaluation if its objectives and goals. According to Grossi, Royakkers & Dignum (2007), An organizational structure shows interrelationships as well as performance. Lack of the structure results in confusions among the workers and their departments. The company’s costs are so high, which marginalizes the profits. The company has to work hard in trying to increase its profits by minimizing its input costs.

However, Zenith Health Care has opportunities that it can explore. As an already established business in the market industry, it can capitalize more since the upcoming newer businesses in the same field will take a lot of time and resources to enhance their establishments. Grossi, Aldewereld, Vázquez-Salceda & Dignum (2006) ascertained that any new business has to take time to acquire a good share of the market compared to the already existing one.

How the current Zenith Health Care performance can be maintained and strengthened

The current performance of the Zenith Health Care can be maintained and even strengthen by doing numerous things that are constructive. The company’s management should formulate a way of performing regular evaluations of both the systems and the outcomes and inputs. Any problem that can be noted should be put on the surface and rectified at once. The staff and customers should be encouraged to give their opinions about the company and its products. Such views should be put into consideration by adopting, using views into practice and rectifying what is wrong. Thibault, Wilcock, & Kanetkar (2002) said that for a company to grow and develop, it should involve the input from all the stakeholders.

More so, the employees of the company can be trained in performing tasks that can enhance the company’s quality production. Also, the company should assign tasks to its employees in relevance to the skills that employees have. Those employees whose skills aren’t required or lack efficiency in their work should be laid off. More so, the company should adopt new technology into its practice so as to keep pace with the current business world.

Appropriate Actions to Overcome the Weaknesses

This company should have a good organizational structure to enhance good communication from the management to the junior staff and amongst the existing departments. It can be good if the company can adopt a flat structure. A flat structure enhances good communication (Grossi, Royakkers & Dignum, 2007). Furthermore, the employees should be motivated to increase their levels of performance, which is often reflected in the outputs of the business entity. Motivation of employees occurs through training, rewarding and recognizing them in addition to giving them responsibilities. In order to reduce the costs of the company’s operations, Zenith Health Care should lay off staffs who aren’t efficient in their work and retain those who are efficient. According to Schneider (2009), companies which lay off workers in order to increase its efficiency and achieve better results compared to those that have employees that are inefficient. The company’s debts should be paid in time as well.

New Areas in Which the Business Could be Expanded

The company can improve its manufacturing capacity by increasing its manufacturing equipment and machines. Furthermore, Zenith Health Care can increase its branadopting strategies, which can attract more customers. Also, it can expand its areas of technology by having a department dealing with technology all the way from communication, to manufacturing among others.

Assessment of Existing Business Objectives and Plans and to Incorporate Appropriate Changes

In any business, the major aim is to receive adequate profits. Such can only be achieved through the proper serving of customers by delivering quality products and services. He (2006) ascertained that appropriate changes can only be realized by correcting the issues affecting the business. Planning is key to ensuring that the organization moves in the desired direction. The company should have regular evaluations using the SWOT analysis technique. Such a thing can lead to the assessment of not only the internal, but also the external factors affecting the business. He & King (2008) said that for any business organization of which Zenith Health Care is no exception, there should a strategy of goals, objectives and programs in a well-defined plan. All these should then be implemented appropriately. This company should ensure that it attracts customers and please its employees at the same time in achieving good performance for growth and development. The company should also motivate its workers, adopt a good organizational structure and increase its profit margins.

An Action Plan to Implement the Changes

Zenith Health Care Limited should do the following to implement the changes:

  • Formulate a substantial business plan
  • Motivate employees
  • Train the staff to increase their work efficiency.
  • Develop and implement marketing strategies
  • Enhance communication among the company individuals and other stakeholders
  • Increase profits and reduce the costs of operations
  • Lay off inefficient workers

Impact of the Proposed Changes in the Business and Its Personnel

Formulation of a substantial business plan will have a positive impact on the functions of Zenith Health Care. The plan will guide the implementation of strategies and evaluation procedures. The business will grow well while the employees will keep improving in relation to the plan. More so, training the staff will increase their efficiency in their routine activities. Similarly, workers will work harder because of motivation, something that will result in the production of quality products and an increase in the customer preference for the products of Zenith Health Care. Should the company formulate a suitable organizational structure, and then communication will be enhanced, which will lead to increased company production. Development of marketing strategies will help the company attract more customers, which will in turn see a rise in the profits, hence organizational growth. As a result, workers will be rewarded by an increase in salary as well as promotions. Laying off inefficient workers will see the company save some costs that would have otherwise been wasted in paying unproductive staff.

A Plan to manage the changes

Any business company should have a plan for many new changes that it implements so as to achieve organizational goals and objectives. Should the changes fail to get the right implementation, the company will be in chaos. According to He & King (2008), companies should have good management teams when implementing changes. The company should enforce procedures through its stakeholders that ensures the changes are upheld. Similarly, all stakeholders should be notified about the changes as well as their role to enforce them. The management should monitor the changes using a plan that is well formulated so that should there be changes of any kind, there will be an early identification. On the same line, difficulties encountered in the implementation should be well tackled. Lastly, the management should involve the employees in the implementation of the changes. According to Schneider (2009), employees who aren’t involved in change implementation end up antagonizing the change implementation efforts, hence paralyzing the realization of the organizational desired changes.

Monitoring Improvements in the Performance of the Business

It is vital for the organization to monitor its activities among other things so that should there be improvements, and then they can be realized (He, 2006).After coming up with the changes, they should be implemented, for the organization to realize its goals. However, the change improvements should be noted to ascertain if there are actual improvements. That can only be realized if the company can formulate ways of monitoring for the improvements. Such can only be done through evaluations performed in many ways. Aldewereld, Vázquez-Salceda & Dignum (2006) asserted that monitoring can be done by comparing the previous state of the organization’s performance to the current one with a comparison to the desired goals according to the drawn plans. The improvements should be monitored over some stipulated time.

