Review the suggested problem solving steps suggested by Dr. McQuade and read the two articles on “Wicked Problems.”

Weed Impact on Biodiversity
September 9, 2020
Community Participation
September 9, 2020

Review the suggested problem solving steps suggested by Dr. McQuade and read the two articles on “Wicked Problems.”

Write a paper where you answer the following questions:

How do professionals solve problems in your chosen profession?
What might you try to do differently to improve problem Solving in your career?
Provide an example of a real-world problem currently experienced in your field of study. Alternatively, speculate about a potential problem you might encounter on your capstone project.
In the reading “Wicked Problems & Social Complexity,” fragmentation is discussed. Is fragmentation a norm in the U.S. and less so in other countries? Explain.
Identify one wicked problem you have been involved with. Why do you feel it is a wicked problem?