Review of Global, Ecomonic, Social-cultural or Local, & Ethical Frames

OpEd –Culture of Humuliation
July 12, 2020
July 12, 2020

Review of Global, Ecomonic, Social-cultural or Local, & Ethical Frames

Citations of sources
Citation Style for articles: Author(s). (date). Article’s title. Journal’s Title, Volume(Issue), Pages.
Citation Style for chapters from books: Author(s). (date). Chapter title. Title of book. City: Publisher. [call numbers if RMU library]

Citation Style for books: Author(s). (date). Title of book. City: Publisher. [call numbers if RMU library]
Citation Style for Internet sites: Author(s) or Group (if there are any). Title or topic. URL. Date accessed.

Physical format: top, bottom, & left margins = 1 inch; right margin = 2 inches
Georgia font, 12pt; Line spacing = 1.5; 4 to 6 pages total, not including cover page.

Exam to be written as thoroughly and completely as possible citing sources when needed

(sources must be cited). Minimun–1,5 single spaced page per question.

All the questions are based on the flames as given in tile respected handouts.


First, describe the significant characteristics of the Global frame and, second,

create one conceptual question you might ask related to the Global frame.


First, describe the significant characteristics of the Economic frame and, second,

create one question you might ask related to the Economic frame.


First, describe the significant characteristics of the Social-Cultural (Local) frame

and, second, create one question you might related to the Social-Cultural frame.


First, describe tile significant characteristics of the Ethical (DUE) flrame and,

second, create one question you might ask related to the Ethical frame.

For further details see enclosed document: Exam1 Templatea