Review And Study On Crash Movie Review Media

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Review And Study On Crash Movie Review Media

Review And Study On Crash Movie Review Media

Paul Haggis, the screen notch of the Oscar winner of the year 2004 for being the best Movie Million Dollar Baby succeeded in making his infallible effort, nevertheless, argumentative and decisively appreciated. And this is the first time when Haggis was found, both writing and directing his movie. Crash, a heading which should not be taken seriously (even though the film shares an active part of it), is a movie which is more importantly about something, which is more basic, an aggressive cross of the tracks. Haggis rips off the drape of the stereotypes moving around the different racial and communal groups, which are there in the city of Los Angeles, and casts the light, at times harsh, the vision of fact in every inconvenient nook and cranny he could call up in the matter of 113 minutes.

From the beginning shots to the ending moments of the movie, Haggis, drives the viewer, courageously, into that kind of world, while one would always be at some kind of inconvenience, and which is unfortunately more honest and actually about some boiled concerns in the country of America at the moment after any film that has been watched.

What Does Crash Try to Tell Us?

One could easily notice the trends, if he looks at the Oscar nominations for the year 2005. People who have found to be apparently so-called “good guys” are evident to have one or the other grave malevolence in them, while the ostensibly “bad guys” succeed in proving to possess some or the other good traits, or they are more or less like anybody who is on the next side of the common mirror.

Crash is exactly that kind of movie. It is identical to the subject of movies such as Short Cuts of Altman and Amores perros of Iñárritu that depicts diversely different people all conjured together for the singular incidents that lead one into dumps. On the other hand, Crash is not influenced by reality at all. For good or for bad causes, Crash depicts an indistinct and an augmented reality, a distortion of life that turns the tables for self-examination.

What is the Stereotypes Operational in the Movie?

A number of stories entangle during the period of two days in the city of Los Angeles, involves an assortment of inter-linked characters as given below:

  • Detective of police who has a drugged out mother and a light-fingered brother
  • Two robbers perpetually conjecturing on race and society
  • The white attorney of the district and his annoyed and spoilt wife
  • A racist white expert cop (who is looking after at his ill father at home) who repulses his more impractical younger partner
  • A reputed director of Hollywood and his spouse who need to get in dealing with the chauvinistic cop
  • A Persian migrant father who gets a gun for himself to shield his shop
  • A Spanish locksmith and his beautiful young daughter who fears bullets like anything and a number of more things

How Crash Exemplifies Ethnic and Racial Relations in the Country of America?

Crash seems to be an excellent correlation between life & race. How, we as human beings deal with the issues of race in our life. Physical attributes and racial distinctions can be two different traits that would divide us. Or in simpler terms, they are the concerns that keep us separate. This leaves behind the innumerous theoretical question that the movie Crash exemplifies. What is the basis of personal chauvinism? Do personal experiences support reputation stereotypes? Is it easy to be responsible for the stereotypes that are already there because some things are simply inevitable? Would people be able to fight back the internal conflicts within their individual racial group? What stops us from conquering such prejudices? The writer of the movie Crash managed it well to expand your experience of viewing the movie more than the ninety-minute movie, hence forcing one to evaluate one’s own prejudices and the communal stereotypes that develop towards other people as well.

Summarizing the Movie Crash

Concerns of gender and race give rise to a group of unknown people in the city of Los Angeles. The typical sequences bring out the associated emotions. Few samples –

  • Graham is a detective of police whose brother is a light-fingered person on the streets, and it hurts him that his drugged out mother loves his good for nothing brother more than him.
  • Graham’s girlfriend and partner Ria has started bristling over the fact along with his infrequent thoughtlessness over the reality that he is an African-American while she is a Spanish.
  • Rick is a district attorney of the district of Los Angeles whose wife Jean makes a small privacy about her fear and the abhorrence of the people not like her. The most horrible imaginations of Jean become true when two African-American carjack her SUV, who hate white people the way Jean hates black people.
  • Farhad is a shopkeeper from the Middle East, who feels he needs a gun to defend his shop and finally buys it.

As seen in the typical scenarios above, the interplay of emotions due to insecurity in the mind of people belonging to different background, race and strata of society is brought out quite effectively in this movie. All the characters in the movie suffer from some or other kind of pre-disposed misjudgment about the other person. The movie is not preachy in nature rather it brings about the results of these emotional securities.


Homepage – Moview Crash, Retrieved on 23 Jan 2010 from <>

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