Research Questions and Data Mapping

September 8, 2020
Map the Supply Chain Paper
September 8, 2020

Research Questions and Data Mapping

Research Questions and Data MappingOrder DescriptionUse the research topic below to develop two (2) research questions and map your research questions to your survey (attached) and share what analysis will be performedon the data you receive back. You will take each research questions individually and write a detailed plan as to what survey questions correspond to that researchquestion and will discuss which analysis you chose to investigate the data and why, which variables will be used in the analysis and why, and what alternatives maybeconsidered based off of how the data comes back. For example, if you choose to run an ANOVA to investigate the mean difference in groups and the analysis were to comeback significant, what further testing would be performed so that you can determine exactly which groups were deemed significant.Research survey questions
Please check the appropriate box with a tick.
1. What is your gender?
Male2. How old are you?3. What is the highest degree or level of school you have completed?
High School
Some College
Bachelors degree
Masters degree
Doctorate degree4. In what sector is your business?
Other (please specify)5. What is the most important factor that motivate you to start your business among the followings?
Personal pride or satisfaction of owning a business
Personal desire to make a contribution to the society
Meet personal and family needs
Monetary reward
Increasing my chance to succeed
Flexible working conditions
Desire for better social status
Recognition from my family and society
Better business environment
Easy access to business loan
Other (please specify)6. How did you fund your business?
Retained earnings
Bank loan
Co-operative contribution
Government grant
Family and friends contribution
Other7. What is the structure of your business?
Sole proprietorship
Limited liability company
Other8. For how long has your business been in existence?9. How many employees do you have?10. Is your business registered?
In the process11. I trust my government to fairly enforce established business laws
1. Strongly disagree 2. Disagree 3. Neither agree nor disagree 4. Agree 5.Strongly agree12. The government actively take steps to mitigate corruption.1. Strongly disagree 2. Disagree 3.Neither agree nor disagree 4.Agree 5.Strongly agree13. The implementation of government policies including fiscal policies have a positive impact on my business financial performance.
1.Strongly disagree 2.Disagree 3.Neither agree nor disagree 4.Agree 5.Strongly agree14. Business laws and regulations contribute to the financial success of your business.
1. Strongly disagree 2. Disagree 3. Neither agree nor disagree 4. Agree Strongly agree15. The implementation of the anti-racketeering unit has reduced the operational costs in your supply and value chain and increased your profit margin.
1. Strongly disagree 2. Disagree 3. Neither agree nor disagree 4. Agree Strongly agree16. The registration process for businesses has been revised. It takes 2 days instead of 32 days to register a business. It also costs CFA Francs 200,000 insteadof the previous CFA Francs 661,000 (World Bank, 2013). If your business has not yet been registered, has this made you consider registering it?
World Bank. (2013). In Cte dIvoire, Small Businesses Can Now Thrive. Retrieved from