Research Paper, Human Resources (HR)

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Research Paper, Human Resources (HR)

Research Paper, Human Resources (HR)

Social Science Observation
Project description

Summary of your paper
Introduction & Literature Review (15 pts)

State your research question/observation

Explain in two or three sentences why we should care


Type out the citations of the sources that you would use if you were doing a full literature review.

Cite at least three journal articles and at least three other sources (books, newspapers, internet, etc.). If the nature of your question makes it difficult to find journal articles, talk to you TA about getting an exemption from the journal articles (and thus you will be citing six non-journal articles).

The citations need to be in APA format and alphabetized. (See the syllabus for links to webpages that can help with APA format.)
Method (10 pts)

You need to describe two or three models that explain your research question. At least two models are required. Three models would be better. Having more than three models is unnecessary.

For each model, you need at least one hypothesis about an implication of your model. Two hypotheses are fine; three are unnecessary. These hypotheses must be testable (your model needs to be falsifiable). Ideally, the models can generate hypotheses that differentiate the models. You must explain how your study will differentiate between these hypotheses.

Data (10 pts)

What is the data that you would collect and how does it relate to your research question?

Identify your independent variables and dependent variable with a short explanation for each variable.

How would you operationalize your independent and dependent variables so that they can be measured and quantified?

How would you theoretically gather your data? Be specific.Findings and Results (10 pts)

For each hypothesis:

Describe what results you would need to find in order to support the hypothesis.

Describe what results would contradict or fail to support your hypotheses?

If the data failed to support your hypothesis, what other hypotheses might these data support?

Conclusion (5 points)

Summarize your question, potential findings, and their significance to your original research question.

Remember, this is NOT a real research paper. You are simply explaining
how you would test your models to come to a conclusion about why your
observation exists. For the literature section, merely find some articles
that could possibly be of interest. If you have an esoteric observation,
you may not find something entirely appropriate. Remember, this is an
exercise in learning how to cite properly. You aren’t actually going to
be quoting these citations, anyway.
This is my observation and 3 models:
Observation: Most people choose to eat fast food instead go to a restaurant in the noon.
Models: 1. Go the eat fast food can save more time than go to a restaurant.
2. Fast food is more delicious than restaurant’s food.
3. The price of fast food is cheaper than restaurant’s food.
Experiment: As we know, people have limited breaks in the noon no matter they are working or student. We can find out if more people go to restaurant or fast food in weekend or for dinner. If there are more people go to a restaurant in different time, this can’t prove fast food is more delicious than restaurant’s food because if fast food is more delicious, people should go to eat fast food more than restaurants. And if people go to eat fast food more than go to a restaurant only in the noon time, this can proves that people go to eat fast food because it saves time.
Operationalizing experiments: We can chooses both restaurants and fast food restaurant from different area, and calculate that how many people go to eat fast food and how many people go to restaurant in the moon and in the evening in the same area, and see customer’s facial expression to find out if they like the food or not. We also can find out the price on both restaurant’s menu and fast food’s menu.