RESEARCH PAPER ASSIGNMENT,You will develop a 3-page academic research paper that is based on a
controversial topic with two or more points of views. The purpose of
the paper will be to present two opposing arguments on an issue and
then convince the reader that one argument is more convincing than the
other. It is important for students to research the opposite points of
views on the argument so that persuasive rebuttals can be presented on
the issue.
In preparation for the final paper, an outline should be presented for
the professor?s approval prior to the deadline of the paper. To
facilitate the research and development of the paper, several lab
classes will be solely developed to this project.
The research paper should consist of the following:
? Title Page
? Abstract
? Introduction
? Body
? Conclusion
? Reference
In addition, student should include a minimum of three direct
quotations from their research sources. Please note that plagiarism is
considered as an unethical practice in academic assignments and
against the university?s policy. Therefore, please use the techniques
as discussed in class on ways to avoid plagiarism, such as a
summarizing, paraphrasing or referring to the original sources through
direct or indirect quotations.
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