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Research Paper

Research Paper

Select a topic that interests you and that is related to the contents of this course. Write a 10 page paper (excluding
the title page, bibliography, and appendices) using peer reviewed journal articles on the topic. In addition to your primary
textbook, you are required to use a minimum of five additional references from professional journals and books to
compose your scholarly paper. Provide your professor with an outline of your paper prior to starting it (via email). Your
paper will need to be in MS Word or Rich Text File (RTF) format.
CSU requires that students use the APA format for writing assignments. Therefore, the APA rules for formatting, quoting,
paraphrasing, citing, and listing of sources are to be followed.
To submit your completed assignment, upload it using the “View/Complete” link located in Unit VIII. Do not e-mail your
paper directly to your professor. By uploading through Blackboard, your university record will automatically be updated
to indicate you have submitted your assignment, and it will be provided to your professor for grading.