This email attached 3 files;
1- Assignment Requirement.
2- Project background.
3- Data set 1 teacher data.
4- examples to qualitative analyses.
5- Things not to do .
please, Hope the writer is a specialist in Education field.
And, could I contact the writer after finishing the work to change anything, if any!!
– high level of writing please.
– Harvard style references.
(please, refer to literature as much as you can)
– The UK university style.
– I have chosen these 2 questions
2. What types of pedagogic strategies do teachers most commonly employ and why? How do these strategies relate to students’ engagement and learning in mathematics lessons?
3-What other factors (non-pedagogic) can help or hinder students in moving beyond procedure- following in mathematics education, to engage with concepts, in discussion and with argumentation?
– Don’t forget to send the documents which you coded and analyse the interviews on. It’s required (put it in the appendix)
-Don’t also forget pictures from SPSS analyse the questionnaire. (put it in the appendix)
-Various references
– Make sure you are respond to the research questions.
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Posted on May 12, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions