Research and synthesize current scholarly journal articles centered around an active business problem.

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Research and synthesize current scholarly journal articles centered around an active business problem.

research and synthesize current scholarly journal articles centered around an active business problem. The same requirements for a Business Problem in DB-R8921 are still in place for DB9940 Milestone 1. Critical is searching a minimum of two peer reviewed business journal articles that are current (within three years) plus at least one scholarly article from an academic institution (for example, Harvard Business Review) and synthesizing the articles.Demonstrate analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of selected PRJ articles using the six core elements generally aligned with a common business problem.
Present scholarly literature aligned to the selected common business problem meeting the following requirements:
Business literature within the last two to five years.
Use a minimum of five scholarly business journals (sponsored by Academic Institutions).
Three of the five business journals must be peer reviewed.
Describe the selected business problem, substantiate its authenticity and its interest to scholars and practitioners.
Present a clear emerging business topic that is aligned with the common business problem with clear parameters that are researchable.
Added on 14.02.2016 19:28
feedback from one advisor (pending one more response and feedback)The idea of cross-generational issues at work is a rich topic.
I believe you are focusing on Gen Y & Millenials (based on the attached).
I think it may still be too broad.What aspect of Gen Y and Millenial interactions are you interested in?
What has been done with them? What hasnt?
See if any dissertations or theses have used this topic.
Then look for the future studies comments or sections.
These may give you a hint for a direction.Based on your attachment, I think you want to look at
1) challenges of 2-generational teams
etc2) types of conflicts that arise between these 2 generations at work
work ethics
willingness to collaborate
appreciation of differences (tolerance??)
etc3) impact of cross-gen conflict at work