• Explaining accurately in your own words on the basis of Jowett’s translation of plato’s republic.
• Your reactions to reading -Add your point of view (okay to disagree, but explain reason why you agree or disagree)
• No quotation- use your own word
• At least One full doubled spaced for each questions
• Explain everything- to somebody who doesn’t know anything
Provide at least one full, double-spaced , word-processed page(in 12point type) in answer to each question. No quotations are permitted; use your own words exclusively. The material relevant to each question will be identified and fully discussed in class. You are encouraged to give your own views on the matters you explain, once you explain them.
1. Socrates thinks that a just individual has become on person instead of many. Explain this.
• Using 3 Elements (Reason, Spirit, Physical appetite)
• If you are a good person, you have in mind element of reason mostly in charge. Reason tells you what is right.
• Autonomous, self-directed
• If many, then you are inwardly scattered, inner conflict, dissociated
• Good person- 3 elements cooperated, glue together.
2. How does Socrates distinguish between opinion and knowledge?
• Knowledge: universal, general concept ideas, things don’t change.
• Opinion : do change, sense( see, hear, tough, smell…)
3. According to Socrates, what are the traits of a philosopher?
• Knowledge, wisdom, naturally truthfulness, temperance, not afraid of death, sociable, good memory, free from prejudice, magnificence
• How love knowledge
• Perfect person- exist? Close to this description
4. What are the two respects in which Socrates thinks the sun and the good are similar?
Socrates says philosopher, guardians who need to have supreme good inside.
Then how to identify that good?
Good determines action.
• The Good-can’t define, but can describe what it is like by using metaphor. Beyond being.
• The Sun- ultimate source of intelligence. Organic life, make things visible. Gives us things to see. Understanding source of the idea, truth, knowledge.
• Light –things to see
• Life – things to know
5. How does Socrates apply the Allegory of the Cave to education and politics?
• Briefly explain the Allegory of the Cave
• Fire represents to sun, sun out side of cave represents the good
• In cave, you can see only shadow, all believes inaccurate, You can’t do things on your own