Topic: Report on Sociolinguistic Investigation
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Report on Sociolinguistic Investigation
For this assignment, which will be theoretically grounded in Assignment 1, you are required to conduct and then present
findings from a sociolinguistic investigation. You should attach the Literature Review conducted for Assignment 1 to your
report and discuss your findings in terms of the findings of the Literature Review. Unusual findings or implications for teaching
should be addressed and discussed if appropriate. The referencing style to be used should be the same as that used in the
Literature Review (APA). The final report, excluding the Literature Review, should be of approximately 3,500 -4000 words.
You should endeavour to make your study one which does not involve having to gain ethics clearance. This means a
study of texts or pre-existing data readily available on the internet or in public space. Studies reliant on interviews
or observation of participants may require permission and ethics clearance and cannot be attempted in the short time
frame of the assignment. Moreover, natural data is difficult to gather and transcribe in a short time frame.