Report of North Korea Foreign Policy

Report of North Korea Foreign Policy

Report of North Korea Foreign Policy

North Korea Foreign Policy
Course: Contemporary Issues in Foreign Politics

• Foreign Policy Objective of North Korea
• Foreign Security objective of North Korea
• Foreign Strategic objective of North Korea
• President Kim Yong-nam educated in Koniz, Switzerland so, what’s wrong with the picture? What they trying to show us?
• What is the actual threat?
• What is happing now? Why they did missile test? Are they aiming for nuclear? Why they disturbing the balance? Why now?
• How can we describe North Korea Foreign Policy?
• Recommendation
• You can add if you have any ideas that well add more value to the report.
Assessment & Presentation

This information provided by the professor:
You have to do a report about North Korea Foreign Policy and a presentation based on your report.
1- Do a report about North Korea Foreign Policy.
2- Do a presentation about the report.(6 slides)
Assessment: (A Professional Working Report)
The Assessment should be a project on a foreign policy topic.
1. The topic should be a global foreign policy issue.
2. Should be relevant to current events happening.
3. Should be closer to a (Report) with clear elements of analysis, reporting and development possibilities of the subject (how to solve it or how to move ahead)
4. The project should be direct and clear. Course learning outcomes should be met.
Course Learning Outcome
• Think critically about the role of super powers in world affairs.
• Develop the skill of critically assessing ideas in the light of events.
• Analyze the issues and variables regionally and internationally that formulate foreign policy.
• Rite literature concerning major issues in contemporary foreign policy.
• Analyze the impact of foreign policy decision-making in terms of their relative success or failure.
Important questions to answer towards your paper: Why, when, where, how, with what, tools. Aims, objectives, reasoning.

Once you have completed the valued analysis paper, please go for the extra value and add lessons learned, proposals and Recommendations

5. The project will be having a clear structure -not like an essay but rather closer to a professional working Report.
Yet a clear structure should be there. Please refer to the elements of structure.
You are requested to complete a structured paper. The following elements should be included:

1. It should include clear structure.
2. Statements and arguments.
3. Methodology and research orientation (quantitative basically research) that you will use -refer-solely, use your methodological skills inside the paper.
4. Main description and analysis.
5. First outcomes of each section from analysis.
6. Clear chapters if you need to create chapters.
7. Clear English Grammar and Syntax. Small sentences.
8. Properly cited (referenced sentences).
9. Clarity in your argument, make sure that the paper is easily readable.
10. Your subject should be very specific not general.
11. References should be in the Chicago style of references.
12. A clear proposal chapter. With descent proposals that come forth after the analysis.
13. Clear conclusion with the overview of the reasoning, statement and lessons learned.
14. Recommendations.
15. Way forward this time? (open door policy).

1- Chicago style use as both references and citations. Cite your work inside the document.
2- Update references 2015 & 2016.
3- Use 6 Academic journals, 3 official Website and 3 Books.
4- Use footnotes. Make sure the work is yours at all times. The more information and reference you add to the paper the more value you add.
Presentation: (6 slides)

• The Presentation to follow should clearly provide an opportunity for you to work on your presenting skills on the assessment as an analyst, reporter.
• Therefore the experience, research, references used or learned from and points to be taken as proposals and considerations should be provided

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