Report analysis Academic Essay

Technical Feasibility Academic Essay
August 18, 2020
Management and Information Systems and Strategy Academic Essay
August 18, 2020

Report analysis Academic Essay

1.Briefly trace the development and growth of the organisation from its beginnings to the present through the application of corporate strategies – what types of strategies have these been?
-Key Point . Strategies applied by Lendlease from beginning to present
-Focus on the strategies have used by the company, not the history of company.
-Research area Strategies used in the past. Current strategies (e.g. Strategic road map, value, vision, mission) E.g. Type of Growth Strategies applied, how the strategies applied

2.There have been many criticisms of the business practices that company has pursued over the years. Describe TWO of these practices and outline the outcomes.
-Key words – Lendlease controversy E.g. Conflict with other stake holders, such as employees, customers, suppliers, governments, communities etc,.

3.Perform an environmental analysis for the involvement of the organisation in the context of the industry(ies) it operates in – what are the main opportunities & threats?
-Key Points . -General Environments – PESTLN
– Specific Environments – Customers, Partners, Industry, Unions, Competitors, suppliers, etc,.
-SWOT( strengths, weakness, opportunities, threats )
-General Environments
Social /cultural

-Specific Environments

4.Describe the organisational culture or leadership style within the organisation.
-Key Words . Lendlease Culture & Leadership

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Posted on May 12, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions