diagnostic tests and nursing interventions.
June 22, 2020
How should we measure the effectiveness of NSA programs?
June 22, 2020

reply of claim letter

reply of claim letter

Claim Letter Assignment:
You will act as a customer service representative and respond to a customer who is requesting a claim for a product.You are to refuse the claim on a product that a customer purchased. Make up a company and address; however, use your own name.  You will learn to choose the best approach for writing a negative message as you adapt to your audience while maintaining high standard of ethics and etiquette. Look at the same example in the book on page 269.  Credit for this assignment will not be received if you use the same claim.(Individual:  50 points of your final grade)

•    Use 12-pont Times Font
•    One inch margins

Parts of a Business Letter

Sender’s Address

Inside Address


•    Intro Paragraph-provide a buffer.  Do not deliver the bad news right away.You are to use an indirect approach and provide a buffer.

•    Main Paragraph(s) Review the facts leading to the refusal, then deliver the bad news.  Explain rationally and back up reasons for refusing your claim.Offer the customer some type of compensation.   Stay calm and stick to the facts.  You do not want to have the recipient to interpret anything as defamation.  In a real company setting, you might want to consult the legal team to make sure that you are following company policy and that your message does not have legal consequences.

•    Closing Paragraph-wrap up the letter and establish or reestablish a positive relationship.



Sender’s Name

Related readings:  Chapter 9 “Writing Negative Messages” from Excellence in Business Communication