demonstrate your ability to read carefully and to interpret a given biblical text, to express your opinion about its meaning and to prove your point of view by using biblical evidence.For your paper you need to read from the book of Genesis ch. 1-11 and from nothing else. You should use as much as possible of the relevant material from these biblical chapters.In your paper you should answer the following questions (the order and the format are yours):1-How are humans introduced and portrayed in those stories? How do they behave and interact with God and with each other? How do their actions characterize them?
2-Do these texts imply that all humans after Adam and Eve became sinful?
3-How differently are men and women presented there? How does this presentation of humans characterize the attitude toward men and women of the ancient authors of these stories? Is this biblical presentation fair from your point of view?
4-How is God portrayed in these stories? What can you say about the ancient authors belief about God? Optional: Do you agree with it?
The paper should have an introduction and a conclusion.
Indicate the edition of the Bible that you use.
Important: all your statements concerning biblical characters should be supported by biblical evidence in the form of biblical references given in this form: Example:Eve found a forbidden fruit good for her (Gen.3:6). Do not retell me these stories!You must use all the stories from Genesis chapters 1-11!