The question of whether minority religious group in India was forced out of the main country, India, because of religious differences with the main religion has been in discussion for many years. Indeed, the reason for the partition of India into India and Pakistan has been mooted to be religious differences. However, this is still in contention because the influence of the British and the Second World War is seen to have had a greater influence on the events in India in this era. In truth, this partition was a huge event in the history of the globe and not just for the Indian subcontinent. Before the end of colonialism and the resulting partition, the British had conquered most parts of eastern India. This is during the 18th and early 19th century. The British ruled the land for a considerable period during which the Indian Revolt of 1858 was quashed. The rise of colonialism in the twentieth century increased tensions in the country as the citizens urge to gain independence rose.
The different religious factions in the country began to cooperate for the common goal of ridding the country of the British. Up until this moment, Hinduism, which was the main religion in the country, and Islam did not see eye to eye. However, this was not give expected results because the British influenced the decisions of the Muslim faction. This is because the British were ecumenical in encouraging the Muslims to form a distinct political faction. This led to the formation of bodies that would ensure the political, religious, and economic rights were looked after in the country. All these events blur the comprehension of the main reason for partitioning of the India. In this regard, this essay strives to assess various events in a bid to understand if religious differences were responsible for the partitioning.
In his excerpt, Ren (2011, p. 2) states that religion in India has been a controversial topic particularly when the importance of religion is considered. Indeed, before and after colonialism, Hinduism and Islam had distinct points of view concerning the country and the outside relations such as that with the British government. While Hinduism commanded a huge following, the Muslim had fewer but powerful numbers in that the Muslims were part of the ruling class in the country at the time. Surprisingly, differences of opinion were also existent in the Muslim camp. This might be because of their large numbers. However, many things changed in the years since the influence of the Muslim Mungal Empire faded. The concept of “tyranny of the majority” began to influence the nation, and the Hindu began to seize power. Moreover, according to Ren (2011), there was increased prejudice towards as the Hindus began plans for building a new nation composing of Hindu’s alone. However, the building of a new nation was a far-away dream, and the only thing, that existed, was the concept of a new nation. Both religions in the country had different ideas about this concept, and that became the reason for the broken relationships. For instance, the Muslims thought that the request from the British to join their army was an excellent move and heeded the call. However, the Hindus disregarded the call stating that the alliance would only bring death to their members. This event increased the distrust that Hindus had on Muslims because they thought they were responsible for colonialism in the country.
However, this notion was not entirely true because Muslims led the fight against colonialism in the country although it did not improve the relationship between the two religions. Indeed, Clothey (2006, P. 181) states that the waning Muslim influence in the country and the increased Hindu revival during the colonial period prompted them to design methods of getting back their past influence. The Muslims pronounced India as a nation in war rather than a peaceful nation. Their leaders began to institute reforms in the religion based on the Quran, and this implied that any religion and even government, which did not give reverence to their beliefs, was unwanted. These events were meant to draw the line within the two religions and the British colonialists. The revolt was a success, as some parts of India became Muslim strongholds. However, their difference with the British did not last long as they recognized that they needed some of their expertise in order for them to compete. Indeed, the rise of modernization in the 20th century meant that nations had to change their strategies in economic, social, religious, and political areas. Most of these elements of modernism were found in the western world.
According to Clothey (2006, p. 182), Khan recognized the need for education in the Muslim religion. This became the reason for the alliance that came later in the history of India and the British during World War Two. Clothey (2006) states further that both Hindu and Muslim had all the reasons to get along because they were products of immigration. However, this was not to be so as evidenced by the failure of Khan’s initiative of reconciling the two groups. Indeed, Khan tried to bring reconciliation to the two religions by establishing several initiatives including Aligarh College. As much as Western science was taught in the college, its existence did not serve its intended purpose. This is because apart from the sciences, Islam was also taught in the college. According to Clothey (2006, p. 182) the Aligarh movement, which was established due to the existence of Islam studies in the college, worsened the relationship between Hindus and the Muslims. This is because the Aligarh Movement led to more conservative Muslim norms. Nonetheless, there were more colleges established after the Aligargh College. All these colleges had different intentions; for instance, Lamb (1966) states that Deoband Madrasa established 1867 aimed at linking classical Muslim doctrines with the Muslim middle classes. Lamb (1966) maintains that their style of learning was orthodox and led to several problems with the Hindu religion. Studies show that this college is now the main training ground for the advisers of Islamic militants such as the Taliban in Asia and Middle East.
Although most of the established colleges emphasised on Islam teachings other such as the one established by Sayyid Amin (1840-1928) tried to form a less-conservative view of Islam. He thus formed an apologetic on behalf of the Muslim religion. Other leaders such as Nu’mani established an Indo-Islamic school in Lucknow in 1894. All these events, according to Lamb (1966), underscore the importance of the reconciliation between the two religions in India at the time. However much these people tried to reconcile the two warring religions, it was not possible.
The British involvement in the affairs of the country did not favour the reconciliation because most of its acts became agents of dividing the two groups. For instance, after the first Hindu–Muslim skirmishes in Ayodhya in the 1850s, the British government instituted some initiatives that were meant to identify the religious as well as the social grouping each Indian citizen belonged. The act, which brought so much hate between the two groups, was the permission given to certain groups to practice their religious doctrines. For instance, the Hindus were enraged when the Muslims were allowed to practice their Sharia law. Moreover, Muslims continued the slaughter of cows even after the demonstration done by the Hindus condemning it.
Indeed, the British promoted communalism and prejudice against the Hindu religion, which led to an uprising in the subcontinent. The huge numbers of the Hindus meant that the Muslims, which made only twenty percent of the population, had a huge disadvantage. Moreover, the apparent hate from the British government fuelled the rage and the desire of the Hindus to rid their country of the British and the backstabbing Muslims. The Muslims realized the power the Hindus had if an election were to be organized and hence called for a separate electoral process for their members. This led to the establishment of the Muslim League in 1906, which later championed for the partitioning of India.
In truth, the occurrence of World War II became salt added into the wound, which was the bad relationship between the two religions. This is because the Muslim League decided to support the British in the war to the dismay of the INC. It was after this period that Britain voted to free India from colonialism. These events were followed by a call from Muslim leaders for the formation of separate Muslim state. This is because they saw a bleak future considering the huge numbers the Hindus had in the country. The Hindus had a different opinion because they knew they had the numbers to support their quest in leading the nearly independent country. Clothey (2006) presumes that it was for this reason that a sectarian civil war began in which more than four thousand Hindus were killed. The country then agreed to partition since the two religions could not relate to one another anymore.
A critical reflection of these events suggests several reasons for the partition of India subcontinent into Hindu-dominated India and Muslim-dominated Pakistan. It is obvious that religious differences between the Muslims and the Hindus were rife even before the influence of the British was felt on the land. Several religious differences, especially regarding the cow and the Sharia law meant that it would take a lot of effort from the leaders from both religions to reconcile the country, which was once united. Assessment of the literature on the subject suggests on one hand that religious difference was responsible for the division of the subcontinent. Indeed, the two religions viewed one another with cynicism and hate since the beginning. This is because Muslim had claimed the power in the early years of Indian history. For instance, the tyrannical Mungal Empire was Muslim. The actions of these empires enraged the Hindus, and it is remembered that most of the Hindu uprisings were directed at rescuing the citizens from these dictatorial regimes. This became the beginning of the differences in ideologies and even actions between the two groups.
Conversely, the appearance of the western cultures and particularly the British into the Indian scene might have been the precursor of the partitioning of the country. British colonial rule had many impacts on India especially in the religious scene. First, the INC and the Muslim League began to cooperate to eliminate colonialism in the country. This was the very first instance in which the two communities had decided to cooperate. However, the union would last for a short period because the religious differences began to override their intentions. This cooperation came because of the British colonialism. Secondly, the British were responsible for the deterioration of the relationship between the Muslim minority and the Hindu majority. This occurred at first when the British gave many favours to the Muslims. The second instant, where the British contributed to the deterioration of the relationships, was the call for volunteers from India. This implies that the British had a hand in the outcome of the broken relationship between the two religions.
It is hard to discern the cause for the partitioning of India subcontinent because several factors contributed to the outcome. Moreover, the relationship between the minority Muslim religion and that of the majority Hindu religion cannot be established because of continued alterations. Several studies suggest a combination of British involvement and the religious differences were responsible for the outcome. This might be correct to some point; however, the sole contributor of the event was religious difference. In truth, the British government had some responsibility in it. Nonetheless, it served just as a catalyst for an event that was bound to occur.
The vast differences between the Muslims and Hindus, coupled with their laxity to accommodate these differences meant that they could not live together in peace especially after the British government left the country. The Muslims could not live in a country where they knew they could have a grasp of its leadership anymore and decided it was time to depart and form its separate government.