Religion and Theology the Appiah essay review

Religion and Theology the Appiah essay review

Religion and Theology the Appiah essay review

Project description
Think, Pair, Share: One 500 Word Opinion Essay (10%) involving a small group discussion of The Case for Contamination by Kwame Anthony Appiah. You will answer the following questions: What roles do religions play in Appiah’s analysis? How is your approach similar to or different from his? This essay will be posted on Blackboard. You must participate in the group discussion and the instructor will monitor your discussion group’s Blackboard Discussion Board on the topic. Your paper will not be accepted if you do not participate in the discussion with a minimum of three substantive, thoughtful comments (at least 50 words/5 lines each) The paper should reflect your discussion points.(my point is religion for globalization has two sides.) If you use outside sources, you must cite according to MLA format and add a Works Cited page.

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