Relative Status of Minority Groups

Program Implementation and Adaptation
October 8, 2020
Impact on the Policy Process
October 8, 2020

Relative Status of Minority Groups

Relative Status of Minority Groups

The Assignment
Choose any three minority groups (choose specific groups rather than broad categories, i.e. Japanese-Americans versus the broader category, Asian-American) you wish for comparison with the general U.S. population sometimes designated as “native-born” or “whites” depending on what source you are using. Use the variables income, education and occupation; then choose two “quality of life” variables such as average life expectancy or infant mortality rate. Construct a grid with the minority groups across the top and the five variables along the left side. Compare what you see. Make sure you cite the source(s) you used so that your instructor can go to the source. Summarize your observation about the comparisons and your reaction to the data.

Specific Resources for this Assignment
You may find relevant data in your online text book, the U.S. Census Bureau (opens in new window) or the Statistical Abstract of the United States (opens in new window) to name a few.

U.S. Census Bureau

Statistical Abstract of the United States