relationship between early Cinema and Anthropology in the 19th century

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May 18, 2020

relationship between early Cinema and Anthropology in the 19th century

relationship between early Cinema and Anthropology in the 19th century

1.Discuss the relationship between early Cinema and Anthropology in the 19th century.
In your discussion consider or compare the interest of early filmmakers and anthropologists use of the technology of film and photography to research the human

condition. (write 2 pages)


2. Reflect on the Ethnographic films made by Robert Flaherty.
In your reflection address: Why is his cinema participatory’? Why is his cinematic approach distinctive? (write 1page)
3. Explain how Margaret Mead and Gregory Bateson used visual anthropology in an experimental way in Bali. Address their motivation to use vision and media as a

research method and compare it to other visual works. (write 1-2 pages)
Use any of the books and films below as a source of citation

Ethnographic Film
by Karl Heider
The University of Texas Press, Austin, 2006.

Picturing Culture
by Jay Ruby
The University of Chicago Press, 2000.

The Ethnographer’s Eye
by Anna Grimshaw
Cambridge University Press, 2001

Some other films:

Nanook of the North 1922, Man of Aran 1934, Louisiana Story 1948.
Grass, In the Land of the War Canoes.
A2551 Bateson+Mead, Childhood Rivalry in Bali and New Guinea, Trance and Dance.
N!ai, The Hunters, A Kalahari Family.