Relate principles of the books educational theory or authors perspective to your personal perspective on education.

Write a 300 words evaluating But, Can They Write? This is not a summary. Write in third person present.
June 28, 2020
Analyze key leadership theories and concepts for relevance to healthcare organizations and nursing management.
June 29, 2020

Relate principles of the books educational theory or authors perspective to your personal perspective on education.

Project description
Write a brief essay (suggested length of 23 pages) about the first book you read from the attached reading list in which you do the following:A. Describe how the book you read has impacted or broadened your personal perspective on education.B. Discuss how the book relates to one specific category or trend from the following topic areas, using specific references from the text:diversity in education (book choices at the end are all in this topic)C. Describe how the book relates to current educational practices.1. Relate principles of the books educational theory or authors perspective to your personal perspective on education.2. Relate principles of the books educational theory or authors perspective to current educational practice by doing the following:a. Discuss current educational practices that relate to the book.b. Discuss how the books educational theory or authors perspective addresses current educational practices.D. Discuss how the educational theory or authors perspective relates to the future of education.E. When you use sources, include all in-text citations and references in APA format.
Can be on any of these books
Up the Down Staircase Bel Kaufman (1992) ISBN-10: 0060973617 ISBN-13: 978-0060973612
The Dreamkeepers: Successful Teachers of African American Children Gloria LadsonBillings (2009) ISBN-10: 0470408154 ISBN-13: 978-0470408155
Teaching Gifted Kids in Todays Classroom: Strategies and Techniques every teacher can use Susan Winebrenner, Dine Brulles (2012) ISBN-10: 1575423952 ISBN-13: 978-1575423951
The Skin That We Speak edited by Lisa Delpit (2008) ISBN-10: 1595583505 ISBN-13: 978-1595583505
Savage inequities Johnathan Kozol (1992) ISBN-10: 0060974990 ISBN-13: 978-0060974992
The Girls in the Back of the Class LouAnne Johnson (1996) ISBN-10: 0312958803 ISBN-13: 978-0312958800
Other Peoples Children: Cultural Conflict in the Classrooom Lisa Delpit (2006) ISBN-10: 1595580743 ISBN-13: 978-1595580740
Why Culture Counts: Teaching children of poverty Donna Walker Tileston, Sandra K Darling (2008) ISBN-10: 1934009245 ISBN-13: 978-1934009246
Through Ebony Eyes: What Teachers Need to Know But Are Afraid to Ask about African American Students Gail L. Thompson (2007) ISBN-10: 0787987697 ISBN-13: 978-0787987695
The Bully, the Bullied, and the Bystander: From Preschool to High SchoolHow Parents and Teachers Can Help Break the Cycle Barbara Coloroso (2009 Updated Edition) ISBN-10: 0061744603 ISBN-13: 978-0061744600
Help for the Struggling Student: Ready to use strategies to help build attention, memory and organizational skills Mimi Gold (2003) ISBN-10: 078796588X ISBN-13: 978-0787965884