Region The Earth is divided into regions. The three main regions that geographers use are 1) formal (sometimes called uniform), 2) functional (sometimes called nodal) or 3) vernacular (sometimes called perceptual). Your text gives you formal definitions for each. Please give me two of your own examples of each region to illustrate your knowledge.
Globalization Globalization can be a wonderful thing and it can be a terrible thing, sometimes at the very same time. Find a current event to show globalization,make sure that it is something happening in the world today that has impact in multiple countries and is an event that has happened in the last 30 days.
Summarize the event that happened.
Explain the local impact to the area where the event happened.
Explain the global impact, give examples of more than one country that is not in close proximity to the event area, that still has felt the ramifications of the event.
Share you opinion, on how this event illustrates globalization and state if it is a good thing, bad thing or both and why.
GIS Geographers have been working with geographic information systems (GIS) long before there were computers, using overlays and maps, which would seem crude today. Explore the advancement of GIS to its current state by answering the following questions:
When were computers first used in GIS?
What were the major advances in GIS within the last two decades?
What are some of the most common uses for GIS?
What are some strengths and weaknesses of particular GIS software?
How has the availability of information changed in the last 10 years?
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For assistance, consider using the following websites:
ESRI: http://www.esri.com/what-is-gis
ArcGIS – create or view a map using GIS: www.ArcGIS.com
So geography is considered a spatial discipline. What do you think is meant by that?
All map projections, which represent the three-dimensional surface of the Earth on a two-dimensional surface distort one or more of the four properties – area, shape, distance, direction. How then are we to judge whether any map is a good map ?
There are three main causes of precipitation: 1) convection, 2) orographic uplift, and 3) frontal uplift. Explain each (in your own words) and give unique examples of where each cause can be encountered around the world.
Some say to be lost is not to know where you are. Others say when you are lost, you know where you are but do not know where other places are. What does the idea of being lost tell us about the nature of geographic location. How does relative location and absolute location play into this?
Describe how technologies such as geographic information systems, remote sensing, and maps are used to analyze local, regional and global issues.
Many people use the terms weather and climate interchangeably. What is weather? (Give an example.) What is climate? (Give an example.) Compare/contrast the two. When traveling to an area of the world when would you be concerned about weather? When would you be concerned about climate?
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