Resistance to Soviet Domination: East Germany – Instructor Discussion Question
August 17, 2020
Shakespeare and Hollywood in Modern Entertainment Academic Essay
August 17, 2020


Order Description
After you have completed your Health Team Challenge presentation, you are required to write an individual reflective essay on your experience of working in an inter-professional team when you prepared a comprehensive, chronic disease management care plan for Mrs Patricia Jones.

Submission: Turnitin (via Blackboard Assessment Assessment Item 3: Workbook (40%) Submission portal for weekly activities Week 8 Reflective Writing)

Mark: 35 points

Word length: No more than 500 words (not including the reference list)

Referencing: QUT-Numbered (see
Maximum five (5) references

Format: Microsoft Word (*.doc/ docx), Rich Text Format (*.rtf) or Portable Document Format (*.pdf) only

Presentation: Times New Roman, 12 point
Line spacing 1.5 lines
Page numbered, bottom of page, right (plain number 3)
Page margins ‘normal’ (2.54 cm each side)
English (UK) spelling

Headings: (i) Reporting and Responding (approximately 75 words)
(ii) Relating (app. 125 words)
(iii) Reasoning (app. 150 words)
(iv) Reconstructing (app. 150 words)
(v) Reference

Unit learning outcomes: 1, 2, 3,4 and 6

Purpose: The purpose of using a reflective framework is to focus your writing on specifics of the experience. The QUT 4Rs Framework for Reflection asks questions to prompt you to think about the connections between aspects of the experience and your broader understanding, formal learning and professional practice. It will help you move from writing a broad description of the event to producing targeted evidence of your skills development. The framework assists you in writing from a particular perspective in order to detail and provide evidence of the employability skills and professional competency you are developing. The process also gives you a clearer understanding of your learning and how you learn.