Reflective Paper: Providing Care

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Reflective Paper: Providing Care

Reflective Paper: Providing Care

1. Complete the advance directives form for your state, which can be found at this site: . My home state is Mississippi, so please write about the registration process for this state.
2. After completion, write a 200- to 300-word reflective paragraph on the process of completing your advance directive form.
3. Write a letter to your future grandchildren sharing all that you would want them to know when you are no longer here. See the example below, which may help to start the reflective/creative process flowing:
Dearest grandchildren,
I love you and wish with all my heart that I could be with you now. You can feel my love in your mother’s hugs and kisses. She is the most loving and creative woman I have ever known and you will inherit her many gifts and talents. Learn from her as she learned from me. In this way my love goes on forever. Just think of me and I will be there in your thoughts to guide and protect you.
Love always,
Your Grandmother

Submit your reflective paragraph pertaining to your completed advance directives form. Please do not submit your advance directives form itself, only your reflective paragraph. Also please submit your letter to your future grandchildren.

Scoring Rubric
Reflective Paper
[100 points] €“ Due Unit 8


1. Complete the advance directives form for your state, which can be found at this site: .
2. After completion, write a200- to 300-word reflective paragraph on the process of completing your advance directive form.
3. Write a letter to your future grandchildren sharing all that you would want them to know when you are no longer here. See the example below, which may help to start the reflective/creative process flowing:
Dearest grandchildren,
I love you and wish with all my heart that I could be with you now. You can feel my love in your mother’s hugs and kisses. She is the most loving and creative woman I have ever known and you will inherit her many gifts and talents. Learn from her as she learned from me. In this way my love goes on forever. Just think of me and I will be there in your thoughts to guide and protect you.
Love always,
Your Grandmother

Submit your reflective paragraph pertaining to your completed advance directives form. Please do not submit your advance directives form itself, only your reflective paragraph.