Reflective clinical assignment about Injection techniques

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Reflective clinical assignment about Injection techniques

Topic: Reflective clinical assignment about Injection techniques  

• Reflective clinical assignment • Injection techniques  • This assignment requires you to write about the aspect of practice which is (Injection techniques) observed in the clinical setting and write a reflective critical analysis of the selected practice aspect / issue you have chosen. A range of examples are provided below. In preparing your analysis you will need to outline the context of the practice aspect, conduct a detailed review of the relevant literature and draw well substantiated conclusions against the available evidence. Think about something that has interested you, caught your attention, has raised questions for the way about the way the practice was practised.  marking guide to direct your assignment:   Section 1 Description of a practice?(Suggested word length 150-200 words)  The student provides a reflective overview of their interest/ observation of the practice chosen.  Supporting evidence may include:  • What led the student to question this practice  • What thoughts they (students) have relating to what has been observed / chosen/ what issues there are?  • Are there any associations that can be made and commented on (e.g. in previous pracs) with reference to the practice chosen e.g. have you observed different/ similar practice approaches……  • Are any references to the literature made? E.g. increased knowledge in the practice, through reading, hands on experience  • Is the topic an exploration of a difficult or unresolved aspect of practice? If so are examples provided?  A description of the context of the clinical environment including:  • The method of organising the delivery of care  • Typical staffing levels and skill mix, their roles in the clinical environment • Typical daily routines • Other important factors relevant to the context or factors impinging directly on the practice reviewed   Section 2 Review of the literature?(Suggested word length 800 words)  The student reflects on and provides a critical discussion of the literature including:  • Does the literature relate explicitly or indirectly to the practice e.g. is the literature broad e.g. cross infection in the surgical setting or cross infection in the hospital setting?  • An indication as to whether the literature is in agreement or has controversial debates ?  The student has identified the type/ quality of literature available and / or the limitations of the literature e.g. gaps. May include the following:  • Opinion – not substantiated  • Contemporary or seminal research (evidence based) • An official review or report  • A literature review which considers relevant research & theoretical perspectives  • Texts   Section 3 Integrating Theory and Practice?(Suggested word length 600 – 800 words)  This section requires the student to revisit the practice chosen and to critically discuss this in relation to the themes / concepts / evidence identified in the literature in section 2.  Students should make critical reflective comments on:  • Any conclusions from the literature which indicate possible changes to the practice  • The possibility of implementing those changes and explanation as to why / why not change is possible  • The relevance to the literature of the practice you have chosen to explore  • Deficiencies highlighted in the literature or complexities in practice which have not been considered by the literature?  Students should critically discuss the implications including the following:  • Implications/ issues arising from the analysis for the level of the practitioner  • Implications arising (if any) at the level of the unit organisation / management. E.g. resourcing, efficiency, efficacy of treatment, client outcomes  • Recommendations you would make e.g. further research, further discussion with NUM etc   Section 4 Scholarly Conventions?Note this section deducts for mistakes

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