Reflections to Quotations
Students have a more positive feeling toward school when they are successful” chapter 4, page 67.
Students who succeed in the subjects that they undertake in school are motivated and inspired to add more efforts and achieve more in the future. The feelings of inspiration and motivation drive such students to stay focused and work harder in order to attain their set educational goals. The positive feelings towards their studies translate into positive feelings towards school.
“Teacher can ask students for relevant background knowledge about a topic” chapter 4, page 70.
Asking students for relevant background knowledge about a topic helps to activate their background knowledge, which plays a vital role in linking prior knowledge to the new content that the teacher is about to give them. Doing so sets a stage within the mind of a student for learning the new topic, which facilitates comprehension.
“When a student’s native language is included in the classroom, students learn that their languages are respected and valued” chapter 4, page 73.
Using and allowing students to use their native languages in classroom settings makes them feel that their primary languages are recognized and accepted, and are not inferior to English language or any other language used by teachers in classroom settings. This makes them feel that their primary languages are respected and valued.
“Teachers who are not fluent in language other than English have numerous sources for assistance and support” chapter 4, page 73.
Teachers who are not fluent in native languages of students can get assistance and support from assistants who understand those native languages. The assistants can offer support in form of making translations, teaching the teacher on how to speak in the native language, creating original sources, suggesting teaching strategies and activities that are suited to the students and providing learning materials suited to the students. In addition, there are numerous written materials that offer translations for English language into native languages that are available for teachers, both in hard copies and soft copies. In short, the sources for support and assistance for teachers who are not fluent in native languages are numerous.