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Reflection Narrative

Reflection Narrative

Order Description


Read and view the following You Tube clips. All of these are required activities for this week.

Griswold, E. (2012). How Silent Spring Ignited the Environmental Movement. The New York Times, September 21, 2012.
Rachel Carson: Rachel Carson’s Legacy: The Silent Spring Series €“ Exploring Ethics
Rachel Carson: Pesticides €“ DDT €“ Rachel Carson €“ Silent Spring
Rachel Carson: The Impact of Silent Spring
Cuyahoga River: Pollution Ohio 1967s
Cuyahoga River: English Lesson €“ River Fire! €“ Intermediate
Cuyahoga River: Cuyahoga River Film
Love Canal: A Legacy of Doubt
Love Canal: An Environmental Disaster

Assignment Description

Much of this lesson was devoted to the Modern Environmental Movement, specifically, human impacts on the environment and society’s response. In a paragraph or two, explain your position on the relationship between humans and the environment.