holiday itinerary
October 3, 2020
European versus Asian Developments
October 3, 2020

Reflecting on Statistics

The question to address is: “What have you learned about statistics?” In developing your responses, consider – at a minimum – and discuss the application of each of the course elements in analyzing and making decisions about data (counts and/or measurements).

The course elements include:
•Descriptive statistics
•Inferential statistics
•Hypothesis development and testing
•Selection of appropriate statistical tests
•Evaluating statistical results.


Descriptive statistics is the analysis that is conducted in statistics to give the data

collected a meaningful understanding (Snedecor & Cochran, 2013). This can be done on all the

data collected to understand the distribution and the position of some of the key elements of the

study that was collected. An example of such a situation is where the percentage representation

of the performances of the students can be analyzed so that the overall performance can be
