Reflect on and discuss the process of running your SimVenture for the first three years of the business

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July 29, 2020
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July 29, 2020

Reflect on and discuss the process of running your SimVenture for the first three years of the business

Your Task
To run your SimVenture for three years.Reflect on and discuss the process of running your SimVenture for the first three years of the business. Critically evaluate the strategic decisions you made and the consequences of those decisions for the business. Include material from the lectures and relevant academic literature in your report to support your analysis. Wider reading tends to be associated with higher marks.The report should include the following:
The name of the business and details about the management team
The unique ID of the game used to create the final report
Background information from SimVenture detailing conditions at the starting point of the business. For example the financial position, the market conditions and the competitive environment (in the appendix).
Submissions should be a maximum of 25 pages (equivalent to approximately 10,000 words).
(excluding references and appendices)
Report format
An electronic copy must be uploaded via Turnitin to LEARN where it will also be checked for plagiarismPlease ues the data analysis records I have uploaded.